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Mobile apps to view tasks, appointments, business opportunities, and business data searches.


  • 27.02.2018
    Follow us on facebook and get a more detailed overview of the new features and services of DHO s.r.o. Our facebook page also contains extended news including pictures of upcoming features.
  • 29.03.2018
    We are launching a new CRM website for free - Expanzo CRM.
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Excellent billing tool. We use the system in combination with the satellite tracking of vehicles for order checking and billing. By signing orders through a mobile app signing, we can instantly charge our customers for the work done and we don´t need to wait for physical deliveries from workers.

Vlastimil Němec
Manager Silnice Servis s.r.o.

We use the application to plan deliveries from our pizzeria. Online quickly and see which orders have been fulfilled and where our delivery staff is located.

Martin Polášek
PIZZA delivery

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